The 4 Values of A Growth-Minded Team

All team cultures have a set of guiding principles that reinforce the way each person on the team operates; a set of rules that keep the culture intact. That said, the key to establishing a growth-minded team is to make sure that the culture is based in a set of positive tenets that will create an atmosphere focused on growth, and not one that is negative or limiting to the group.

So what do the values of a growth-minded team look like? Well, there are four main principles that these teams work by that are crucial in forming their overall attitude.

1: Abundance Thinking Versus Scarcity Mindset

Abundance thinking can only be beneficial. Abundance thinking is asking, “what’s possible?” It’s considering any and all positive outcomes and taking action accordingly. This mindset, the ability to envision more than what the majority of people are able to, is VERY powerful. Once they’ve worked through the inevitable roadblocks, individuals on the team will start to think differently. They start believing, “Hey, I could probably do that.” and are focused on “How can I do that?” instead of fixating on limiting thoughts that inevitably derail their progress.

 2: Progress Not Perfection

As a business leader, I’ve asked myself: “What do I want my people to remember from working with me?” Here it is: Everybody’s a work in progress, no matter what. Even if you’re 60-something years old and only a few years from retirement, or if you’re a successful CEO of a business, you’re still a work in progress. I live by this mantra and it is key to building a growth-minded team. 

3: People Have One Life

Every organization expects to grow their bottom line. Out of necessity to the business, there’s an expectation of growth for both the organization and its employees. But usually employee growth is confined to their role, as its overall purpose is to drive efficiency and productivity in the business. However, the most successful companies realize people must also grow outside of work, because a person’s professional growth very rarely exceeds their level of personal growth. People have one life, so there must be a focus on both.

4: Authentic Leadership

This step starts with you! In whatever capacity you hold as a leader in your organization, the work to implement a dream machine starts by doing the work yourself. That means you’ll need to do a bit of introspection. You must also start to examine how you interact with others in the organization. Are you growth-minded and are you expanding the minds of teammates so they can see what’s possible?

By focusing on these 4 values, you can create a growth-minded team that will help you build more success in your business. And as importantly, it will produce more engaged, fulfilled employees who know they are valued and are therefore excited to help contribute to your organization as a whole.

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